Product Center
Vitamin B6 1ml
It is suitable for the prevention and treatment of vitamin B6 deficiency and isoniazid poisoning; it can also be used for pregnancy, radiation sickness and vomiting and seborrheic dermatitis caused by anticancer drugs.
Vitamin B6 2ml
It is suitable for the prevention and treatment of vitamin B6 deficiency and isoniazid poisoning; it can also be used for pregnancy, radiation sickness and vomiting and seborrheic dermatitis caused by anticancer drugs.
Sterilized water for injection
Sterile powder solvent for injection or diluent for injection or rinsing agent for various departments of endoscopy.
Trapidil tablets
It is used to treat and prevent coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, etc.
Tolperisone hydrochloride
White crystalline powder with peculiar smell, easily soluble in water or ethanol, slightly soluble in acetone, almost insoluble in benzene and ether.
Ranitidine Hydrochloride
Off-white or light yellow crystalline powder; peculiar smell; easily deliquescent, the color becomes darker after absorbing moisture. It is easily soluble in water or methanol, slightly soluble in ethanol, and almost insoluble in acetone.
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